Sunday, 18 September 2011


Pasta adalah makanan olahan yang digunakan pada masakan Italia, dibuat dari campuran tepung terigu, air, telur, dan garam yang membentuk adonan yang bisa dibentuk menjadi berbagai variasi ukuran dan bentuk. Pasta dijadikan berbagai hidangan setelah dimasak dengan cara direbus. Di Indonesia, jenis pasta yang populer misalnya spageti, makaroni dan lasagna.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, pasta adalah sebutan untuk berbagai jenis masakan dengan bahan utama salah satu jenis pasta yang diberi bumbu dan saus. Pasta berasal dari bahasa Italia "pasta alimentare" yang berarti adonan bahan makanan. Dalam arti luas, "pasta" bisa berarti semua adonan seperti adonan roti, pastry, atau cake. Dalam bahasa Italia, pasta yang berarti bahan makanan seperti mi disebut pastasciutta.
Pasta dibuat dari tepung terigu semolina yang merupakan hasil gilingan biji gandum durum dicampur telur sehingga sedikit berwarna kuning cerah, dan bila dimasak dengan benar akan menghasilkan tekstur sedikit kenyal. Pasta buatan Amerika sering dibuat dari campuran tepung terigu Farina dan Semolina, sehingga mempunyai tekstur yang lebih lembut untuk dijadikan hidangan seperti kaserol.
Di luar negara asalnya di Italia, pasta biasanya dijual di dalam kemasan dalam bentuk kering. Pasta kering dibuat di pabrik dengan menggunakan mesin ekstrusi yang mendorong keluar adonan pasta melalui lubang-lubang saringan. Bentuk-bentuk pasta yang lain diperoleh dengan menggiling adonan pasta menjadi lembaran yang kemudian dipotong-potong atau dicetak.
Pasta segar buatan rumah tangga dan restoran dibentuk dengan tangan beberapa saat sebelum pasta direbus. Pasta segar memerlukan waktu masak yang singkat, namun pasta segar tidak tahan lama disimpan karena memiliki kadar air yang tinggi. Pasta kering bisa tahan lama disimpan hingga 3 tahun atau lebih karena hanya memiliki kandungan air sebanyak 10%. Pasta yang sudah dimasak dan tinggal dipanaskan dengan oven microwave juga sering dijumpai di bagian makanan beku pasar swalayan.


Makanan mirip pasta banyak dijumpai di berbagai tempat di dunia sejak zaman dulu, terutama di wilayah dengan penduduk yang menjadikan gandum dan serealia sebagai makanan utama. Gandum yang sudah digiling sering dimasak sebagai bubur atau dihaluskan menjadi tepung dan dibuat roti. Pasta kemungkinan besar merupakan alternatif dari bubur atau roti, karena pasta merupakan makanan awetan yang dibuat tanpa perlu dimasak.
Di Eropa, catatan tertulis paling tua tentang makanan serupa mi ditemukan pada hiasan makam orang Etruscan di Italia Tengah yang berasal dari tahun 400 SM. Di Tiongkok, mi sudah dikenal sejak tahun 2000 SM berdasarkan hasil penggalian di situs Lajia (Tiongkok barat) yang terletak di tepi Sungai Kuning. Di bawah lapisan tanah jenis tanah loess yang tebal di situs penggalian yang sudah rusak akibat gempa bumi dan banjir ditermukan mi berwarna kuning di dalam panci tanah liat yang terbalik. Panjang mi sekitar setengah meter dengan diameter 3 milimeter. Hasil analisis menunjukkan mi dibuat dari tepung biji milet.
Italian Pasta Through the Ages

19th century Maccaronaro selling pasta.
Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Wherever Italians have immigrated they have brought their pasta and so today it is basically an international staple. Unlike other ubiquitous Italian foods like Pizza and tomato sauce, which have a fairly recent history pasta may indeed have a much older pedigree going back hundreds if not thousands of years. To begin to unravel the long an often complex world of pasta we have to look at its origins and some of the myths surrounding this now worldwide food.
Many schoolchildren were taught that the Venetian merchant Marco Polo brought back pasta from his journeys in China. Another version states that Polo discovery was actually a rediscovery of a foodstuff that was once popular in Italy in Etruscan and Roman times. Well Marco Polo might have done amazing things on his journey but bringing pasta to Italy was not one of them, it was already there in Polo's time. There is some evidence of an Etrusco-Roman noodle made from the same durum wheat as modern pasta called "lagane" (origin of the modern word for lasagna). However this food, first mentioned in the 1st century AD was not boiled like pasta, it was cooked in an oven. Therefore ancient lagane had some similarities, but cannot be considered pasta. The next culinary leap in the history of pasta would take place a few centuries later.

Macaroni Drying Copyright Life In Italy
Spaghetti (at the time called macaroni) drying in streets of Naples circa 1895
Like so much of southern Italian life, the Arab invasions of the 8th century heavily influenced the regional cuisine and is the most accepted theory for the introduction of pasta. The dried noodle-like product they introduced to Sicily is most likely the origins of dried pasta and was being produced in great quantities in Palermo at this time. The modern word "macaroni" derives from the Sicilian term for making dough forcefully, as early pasta making was often a laborious daylong process. How it was served is not truly known but many Sicilian pasta recipes still include other Arab gastronomic introductions such as raisins and spices like cinnamon. This early pasta was an ideal staple for Sicily and it easily spread to the mainland since durum wheat thrives in Italy's climate. Italy is still a major producer of this hard wheat, used to make the all-important semolina flour.
By the 1300's dried pasta was very popular for its nutrition and long shelf life, making it ideal for long ship voyages. Pasta made it around the globe during the voyages of discovery a century later. By that time different shapes of pasta have appeared and new technology made pasta easier to make. With these innovations pasta truly became a part of Italian life. However the next big advancement in the history of pasta would not come until the 19th century when pasta met tomatoes.

Pasta Drying Copyright Life In Italy
Pasta Drying: Copyright Life In Italy
Although tomatoes were brought back to Europe shortly after their discovery in the New World, it took a long time for the plant to be considered edible. In fact tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family and rumors of tomatoes being poisonous continued in parts of Europe and its colonies until the mid 19th century. Therefore it was not until 1839 that the first pasta recipe with tomatoes was documented. However shortly thereafter tomatoes took hold, especially in the south of Italy. The rest of course is delicious history.

Pasta Today

It is estimated that Italians eat over sixty pounds of pasta per person, per year easily beating Americans, who eat about twenty pounds per person. This love of pasta in Italy far outstrips the large durum wheat production of the country; therefore Italy must import most of the wheat it uses for pasta. Today pasta is everywhere and can be found in dried (pasta secca) and fresh (pasta fresca) varieties depending on what the recipes call for. The main problem with pasta today is the use of mass production to fill a huge worldwide demand. And while pasta is made everywhere the product from Italy keeps to time-tested production methods that create a superior pasta.
pasta history
Pasta History

Dried Pasta

There are roughly 350 different shapes and varieties of dried pasta in Italy, even more counting regional differences. Shapes range from simple tubes to bow ties (farfalle, which actually means "butterfly"), to unique shapes like tennis rackets (racchette). Many, but not all of these types are usually available wherever pasta is made. By Italian law dried pasta must be made with 100% durum semolina flour and water, a practice that all but the worst quality pasta makers worldwide have since adhered to. However there are two factors in dried pasta from Italy that make it typically better than most other products: extrusion and drying methods.
Dried pasta, especially the more complex shapes (such as radiatore) are designed for grabbing and holding onto sauces. Dried tube pasta (ziti or penne) often has ridges or slight abrasions on the surface to hold onto the pasta sauce as well. These ridges and bumps are created during the extrusion process, when the pasta is forced from a copper mold and cut to desired length before drying. These molds, while expensive and prone to wear are favored for making the best dried pasta. However most producers worldwide use steel molds that produce pasta that is too smooth to hold onto sauce. Fortunately more pasta makers outside of Italy are starting to use the older style copper molds.
After the pasta is cut it must be dried using a process of specific temperature and time. This is another area where mass produced pasta falls short of good Italian pasta made the correct way. The mass produced pastas are dried at very high temperatures for a shorter time than quality pasta. Traditional pasta is allowed to dry slower, up to 50 hours at a much lower temperature. It is after the pasta is fully dried that it is packaged. The result is a product with a much better mouth-feel, quicker cooking time, and superior sauce holding noodles.

Fresh Pasta
Fresh Pasta

Fresh Pasta

Essentially all pasta starts out as fresh pasta but some is made to be eaten "soft". Fresh pasta can be made with slightly different ingredients than the dried variety. Many northern regions of Italy use all-purpose flour and eggs while southern Italy usually makes theirs from semolina and water but it depends upon the recipe. Serving pasta that is made fresh that day shows a great deal of care in preparation and a high level of pride in the household's culinary skills. However fresh pasta is not inherently better than dried pasta, it is just different and is used in different situations. Some types of pasta are served only fresh, others only dried and some others can have fresh and dried versions. It is in this case that it can be argued that fresh is better than dried pasta. Fresh pasta has been made in households throughout Italy for generations but the region of Emilia-Romagna has the reputation of making the best. Here fresh pasta is often served with cream sauces or a simple sauce of butter and sage while light tomato sauces are reserved for the summer months. Following the simple but important rule of using fresh local ingredients, the Piedmontese serve their fresh pasta with a butter sauce covered with slices of decadent local black truffles. Wherever you are in Italy, being served fresh homemade pasta is a real treat as you can be assured that the pasta was made that day and will have a taste that will make you rethink notions of what good pasta is.

Buying and Cooking Pasta

When buying either fresh or dried pasta, look for a well made brand that uses the best ingredients such as only semolina flour for dried pasta. The pasta should have a rough surface and not too smooth, as smooth pasta will not hold onto sauce. The noodles should be compact and heavy for their size in order to stay together when cooking. Remember to stay away from mass-produced cheap pasta, you will just be disappointed come dinnertime. For fresh pasta look for the expiration date on the package and take a good look at the pasta. If it looks cheap then it probably is, if the pasta feels heavy in the package and has a nice color and texture it is worth buying. Many Italian bakeries and grocerias also make fresh pasta that will be better than anything you could find at a supermarket and you may even get a family sauce recipe as well. However remember not to overcook your pasta, the worlds greatest sauce cannot save mushy pasta.

It cannot be stressed enough; cook pasta until it is al dente, firm to the teeth yet tender. Many Americans cook pasta until it is too soft, a minute or two less of cooking time will give you authentic Italian pasta. Fresh pasta will take even less time to be cooked to perfection. Another key to perfect pasta is to use a large cooking pot and plenty of water; this will stop the pasta from sticking and will also ensure every inch of pasta will be cooked though. Don't forget to add plenty of salt to the cooking water before adding the pasta, good pasta is almost never has salt in it so this is the only time it can be seasoned. Some people add a little olive oil to the cooking water to stop the pasta from sticking and while that works for larger pasta like lasagna it is not necessary if you use a large pot, plenty of water and remember to stir the pasta. When draining the pasta remember to save about a cup of the water in the pot, this starchy water will add a little body to whatever sauce you choose. Never, ever rinse off the pasta after cooking unless you're making pasta salad. Washing off all that starch and salt will kill any flavor your pasta once had.
When it comes to sauce it is really up to personal preference unless you are trying to follow a traditional recipe. A good rule is to remember simple pasta works best with simple sauces while complex shaped pastas are ideal for thicker sauces. There is no shortage of great pasta and sauce combinations and each is worth trying. However it is important that you use high quality pasta cooked properly to ensure authentic flavor.

Jenis pasta

Pasta terdiri dari berbagai bentuk dan ukuran. Di Italia terdapat lebih dari 650 jenis pasta dan hampir setiap tahun tercipta bentuk yang baru. Pasta yang berbentuk seperti panjang-panjang seperti mi disebut spageti, variasi yang lebih kurus disebut vermicelli, variasi yang panjang dan pipih seperti kwetiau disebut linguine, sedangkan versi yang agak tebal disebut fettucine.
Nama jenis pasta biasanya diambil berdasarkan nama-nama bentuk pasta dalam bahasa Italia. Pasta berbentuk pendek-pendek seperti pena disebut penne, sedangkan pasta berbentuk kupu-kupu disebut farfalle. Jenis-jenis pasta selengkapnya bisa dilihat pada daftar nama pasta

Pappardelle adalah pasta yang secara fisik mirip banget dengan fettuccine, namun, ukurannya cenderung lebih pendek.. Pappardelle secara umum memiliki lebar sekitar 2 hingga 3 centimeter..

Pappardelle di italia sering disajikan dengan saus (maaf) babi ataupun saus kelinci..
Di italia sendiri ada festival pappardelle al cinghiale (pappardelle with wild boar festival) di kota gemmano pada emilia-romagna region, italia yang diadakan setiap bulan agustus..
Spoiler for gambar pappardelle:

Spoiler for gambar hasil olahan pappardelle:

maaf gan sekedar mo nambahin, 1 jenis lagi yang modelnya mirip mie udon (mie khas jepang), bundar, panjang, besar-besar, dan ditengahnya biasanya berlubang (kadang nggak ada) namanya 'bucatini', modelnya macam pic dibawah ini gan:
Spoiler for Gambar Bucatini:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Bucatini:

Pasta ini merupakan pasta yang pipih mirip pelangi dan berwarna hijau karena terbuat dari campuran bayam dan telur..

Spoiler for Gambar Spinach Tagliatelle:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Spinach Tagliatelle:

Gnocchi merupakan jenis pasta dari kentang yang rasanya kenyal gurih. Saus keju gorgonzola dan krim yang gurih enak membuat pasta ini jadi makin spesial rasanya. Bentuk Gnocchi cukup unik.. mirip seperti bantalan kecil dengan beberapa ruas-ruas diatasnya..

Spoiler for Gambar Gnocchi:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Gnocchi:

Originally Posted by groovecain View Post
ada yg kurang gan cekidot

orzo pasta
merupakan pasta terkecil , menyerupai nasi
Spoiler for 0:

Spoiler for 0:

udha masuk pizza hut indonesia loh gan  
Spageti adalah pasta berbentuk seperti lidi panjang tanpa lubang. Biasanya Spageti disajikan dengan saus tomat dan daging cincang.

Spoiler for Gambar Spageti:


Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Spageti:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Spaghettini:

Sama seperti Spageti, tapi Spaghettini berukuran lebih tipis dibandingkan Spageti bisasa
Spoiler for Gambar Spaghettini:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Spaghettini:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Farfalle:

Pasta Farfalle adalah Pasta yang yang berbentuk seperti dasi kupu-kupu dengan tepi yang bergerigi. Pasta ini sering disajikan bersama hidangan salad atau sajian utama dengan saus creamy.
Spoiler for Gambar Farfalle:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Farfalle:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Conchiglie (Koncigli):

Bentuk Conchiglie menyerupai kulit kerang. Pasta ini dapat disajikan bersama saus atau ditambahkan ke dalam sup maupun salah
Spoiler for Gambar Conchiglie:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Conchiglie:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Cannelloni:

Pasta Cannelloni berbentuk seperti pipa berlubang. Umumnya diameter Cannelloni sekitar 3 centimeter, dan panjangnya sekitar 5 centimeter. Pasta ini cocok dimasak dengan daging dan keju pada hidangan panggang maupun rebus
Spoiler for Gambar Cannelloni:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Cannelloni:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Rigatoni:

Rigatoni merupakan jenis lain dari Cannelloni, tetapi dengan bentuk yang lebih pendek serta memiliki gurat-gurat vertikal di sisi luarnya.
Spoiler for Gambar Rigatoni:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Rigatoni:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Penne:

Penne merupakan Pasta yang mirip juga dengan Cannelloni, akan tetapi ujungnya berbentuk serong dan berdiameter lebih kecil
Spoiler for Gambar Penne:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Penne:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Ditali:

Pasta ini berbentuk seperti pipa-pipa pendek, yah.. kalau diperhatikan.. sedikit banyak mirip Canneloni, tetapi bentuknya lebih gemuk.
Spoiler for Gambar Ditali:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Ditali:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Lasagna:

Lasagna adalah pasta yang berbentuk lembaran tipis dengan panjang sekitar 27 centimeter dan lebar 5 centimeter. Lasagna dapat dijumpai dalam tiga warna, yaitu kuning untuk hidangan panggang, merah untuk hidangan dengan saus tomat, dan hijau yang cocok dipadukan dengan aneka sayuran.
Spoiler for Gambar Lasagna:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Lasagna:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Vermicelli:

Pasta ini mirip dengan Spageti, hanya saja Vermicelli berukuran lebih kecil dan pendek. Pasta ini sering diolah bersama hidangan laut, laut, dan bisa juga dijadikan isi sup.
Spoiler for Gambar Vermicelli:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Vermicelli:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Rotini:

Rotini adalah pasta yang berbentuk mirip spiral dan beralur. Pasta ini sering diolah dengan daging, saus keju, juga sayuran.
Spoiler for Gambar Rotini:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Rotini:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Fusilli:

Semacam Rotini, tapi Pasta Fusilli lebih tipis dan juga lebih panjang. Pasta ini dapat diolah dengan saus krim dengan tomat dan kacang polong.
Spoiler for Gambar Fusilli:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Fusilli:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Macaroni:

Nama Pasta Macaroni mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi Agan-Agan sekalian. Macaroni adalah pasta yang berbentuk pipa melengkung dengan lubang di tengahnya. Macaroni sangat pas untuk hidangan yang dipanggang seperti Macaroni Schotel dan dapat juga digunakan sebagai isi untuk aneka sup.
Spoiler for Gambar Macaroni:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Macaroni:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Fettuccine:

Pasta pipih lebar yang mirip dengan Kwetiau. Pasta ini dapat dijumpai dalam tiga warna, yakni hijau dari sari bayam, hitam dari tinta cumi-cumi, dan kuning dari telur. Fettuccine cocok dijadikan sajian utama dengan daging, keju, sayuran, atau seafood.
Spoiler for Gambar Fettuccine:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Fettuccine:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Tortellini:

Tortellini merupakan pasta yang diisi dengan daging dan keju. Kadang sering juga ditambah dengan tomat dan bayam. Pasta ini sangat cocok dinikmati dengan tomat dan saus krim.
Spoiler for Gambar Tortellini:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Tortellini:

Spoiler for Jenis-jenis Pasta - Ravioli:

Pasta yang satu ini adalah Pasta yang berbentuk mirip bantal kecil dan biasanya diisi daging, keju, atau sayuran.
Spoiler for Gambar Ravioli:

Spoiler for Gambar Hasil Olahan Ravioli:

Nilai Gizi Pasta

Nilai gizi dalam pasta membuatnya menjadi primo piatto atau hidangan utama dalam kuliner Italia. Pada pasta yang terbuat dari tepung semolina, seperti makaroni, kandungan proteinnya sangat tinggi. Kandungan protein ini sekitar 12—14% sebelum dimasak dan menjadi 2—8% setelah dimasak.

Tak usah khawatir, pasta juga mengandung serat, yaitu sekitar 2—2,5 gram dalam tiap 100 gram. Serat baik untuk pencernaan kita. Bahkan, ada adonan pasta yang dicampur dengan sayuran seperti bayam.

Rendah Lemak dan Sodium

Kandungan lemak jenuh dalam pasta sedikit sekali dan hampir tidak mengandung kolesterol. Pasta juga rendah dalam kandungan sodium. Pasta tanpa telur memiliki kandungan sodium jauh lebih tinggi (150 miligram) dibanding pasta yang adonannya memakai telur (6,8 miligram). Kelebihan kolesterol atau sodium akan membuat peredaran darah kita tidak lancar.

Para Pendamping Pasta

Di Italia, hidangan pasta tidaklah lengkap tanpa para pendampingnya. Pendamping inilah yang membuat cita rasa pasta semakin kaya dan membuat kandungan gizinya semakin tinggi.

Tomat Tomat adalah primadona dalam kuliner Italia. Makanan khas seperti piza biasanya diolesi dengan saus tomat sebelum diberi bahan lainnya. Di Italia, tomat jenis san marzano dan pachino adalah yang paling baik untuk menjadi pendamping pasta.
Keju Kita tahu bahwa keju kaya akan kalsium dan rasanya enak. Karena itu, wajar jika keju disebut sebagai penyempurna hidangan pasta. Hampir semua jenis keju, yang keras seperti pecorino hingga mozzarella yang lembut, akan terasa pas untuk pasta.
Minyak Zaitun Minyak ini disebut “cairan emas” karena popularitasnya di Italia. Minyak zaitun adalah pengganti yang jauh lebih sehat bagi butter atau margarin. Dalam pasta, minyak zaitun dapat dipakai untuk menumis saus atau dilumuri langsung ke pasta yang sudah matang.
Basil dan Oregano Dua nama daun ini mungkin asing di telinga kita. Keduanya memiliki rasa yang tajam, pedas, dan sedikit pahit. Di Indonesia, rasanya agak mirip dengan daun kemangi. Kedua rempah-rempah ini membuat hidangan pasta menjadi segar.

Farfalle: Pasta bentuk dasi kupu-kupu dengan tepi bergerigi. Cocok untuk hidangan salad atau sajian utama dengan saus yang creamy, seperti Mornay Sauce.

Conchiglioni: Menyerupai kulit kerang. Lebih pas untuk isi sup, salad, dan sajian utama.

Cannelloni: Bentuknya seperti pipa berlubang dengan diameter 3cm, panjang + 5cm. Jenis lain cannellonidengan bentuk lebih pendek dikenal dengan nama rigatoni, sedangkan yang berujung serong disebut penne. Cocok dimasak dengan daging dan keju pada hidangan panggang maupun rebus.

Lasagna: Berbentuk lembaran tipis dengan panjang + 27 cm, lebar 5 cm. Dapat dijumpai dalam tiga warna, kuning untuk hidangan panggang, merah biasanya diolah dengan saus tomat, dan hijau cocok dipadu dengan bayam atau aneka sayuran.

Spaghetti: Bentuknya seperti lidi panjang tanpa lubang. Sangat cocok disajikan dengan saus bolognaise (saus tomat dengan daging cincang). Serupa dengan spaghetti tapi ukuran lebih kecil dan pendek dikenal dengan sebutan vermicelli. Pas diolah bersama hidangan laut., daging, maupun isi sup.

Fusilli: Bentuknya mirip spiral. Biasanya diolah dengan saus krim dengan tomat dan kacang polong.

Macaroni: Pasta bentuk pipa melengkung dengan lubang di tengahnya. Pas untuk hidangan panggang seperti macaroni schotel dan isi aneka sup.

Fettuccini: Bentuknya seperti kwetiau, pipih dan lebar. Dapat dijumpai dalam tiga warna, hijau dari sari bayam, hitam dari tinta cumi-cumi, dan kuning dari telur. Cocok dijadikan sajian utama dengan daging, keju, sayuran, atau seafood.



Pasta comes in all shapes and sizes. The tiniest shapes are often used in soups, long ribbons or strands with sauces, and tubes and fanciful shapes in casseroles and pasta salads.  Some shapes are large enough to be stuffed and baked, and others, like ravioli, come already stuffed.
Pasta normally is white-yellow, but other colours exist. See here for the other pasta colours.
Below an overview of the most common pasta types and their synonyms.


Synonym(s) Description
  Letter-shaped soup pasta
Piombi Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Anelli Siciliani
  Large size ring-shaped short-cut pasta, suitable for soups or salads
Stortini Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Campanelle Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups
Bigui, Pincinelli Large diameter (about 3 mm) and very long-cut spaghetti, made with wholemeal soft wheat flour or semolina.
Perciatellini, Foratini, Fidelini bucati, Fide bucate Small diameter (about 2.4 - 2.7 mm) and smooth surface long-cut dry hollow pasta.
Gnocchettoni Zitoni, Tagliati di Zitoni, Cannelloni Zitoni, Canneroni, Spole, Sigarette, Schiaffoni Short-cut shape, suitable for vegetable sauce pasta or casserolas
Cannolicchi medi
Sciviotti ziti, Denti di cavallo, Denti di pecora, Fischiotti, Fischioni, Canneroni Hollow short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles or vegetable soups
Capelli d'angelo
Angel's hair, Cabellos de Angel, Capelvenere, Fidelini, Fedelini, Cappellini, Sopracappellini,
Capellini fini, Bassetti,
Tagliolini a nido, Barbine a nido
Very thin long-cut extruded pasta (ø mm 1 - 1.2), usually nested or coiled, suitable for clear soups.
Very popular shape all over the world.
  Medium size, pinched stuffed fresh pasta, filled with vegetables, cheese, ricotta or meat based filling
Cappelletti Umbri
  Typical for the Umbria region
Cappello napoletano
  Short cut pasta suitable for casseroles or salads
Cesariccia These are short lengths of rolled and twisted Italian pasta.   They're usually served with meat sauces. 
  It usually refers to small pasta shells that resemble tiny hot dog buns. The name is less commonly used for a type of dumpling made with ricotta cheese. 
  Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups
  Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups
Abissini Small shell-shaped pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Tofettine, Coccioline, Cinesini, Margaritine, Cinesi rigati, Mezzi cocci, Margherite rigate, Cappettine Extruded short-cut shape, suitable for soups or meat sauce pasta
Jumbo Shells Large size short-cut grooved pasta
  Short-cut extruded shape, suitable for vegetable or meat sauce pasta
Creste di galli
  Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups. Shaped like creste di galli ("cockscomb" in Italian).
Messicani, Dischi Volanti Short cut pasta suitable for casseroles or salads
Fagiolini rigati
Cornetti rigati, Sedanetti rigati, Sedanini rigati, Stortini rigati, Diavoletti rigati, Tubetti lunghi rigati  
Galla genovese, Fiocconi; Farfalloni Stamped " Bologna " shape, suitable for casseroles or meat sauce pasta
Fettuccelle ricce
Nastrini, Reginette, Reginelle, Fettucce ricce Curled fettuccine (width about 12 mm).
Lasagnette, Fettucce Long-cut pasta with rectangular section (about 0.8 x 8 mm), fresh or dry.
Stricchetti tondi, Saliere, Farfalle tonde, Fiocchetti Extruded short-cut shape, suitable for soups or meat sauce pasta
Eliche, Tortiglioni, Spirali Spiral shape short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles or salads
Eliche grandi Spiral shape short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles or salads
  Spiral shape short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles or salads
Gianduini Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Cornetti, Corni di bue Short cut pasta suitable for casseroles or salads
Crestine, Margherite lisce, Fagioletti, Zitellini, Tubettini lunghi Short-cut extruded shape, suitable for vegetable or meat sauce pasta
Spaccatelle, Maglietta, Stivalettini Short-cut extruded shape, suitable for vegetable or meat sauce pasta
Brofandei Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
  Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
  Pierced short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable and clear soups
Lasagnoni, Bardele Long-cut pasta with rectangular section (about 0.6 x 25 mm), fresh or dry.
Bavettine, Bavette fini, Radichini, Linguettine Small size and elliptic section long-cut pasta.
Lumachelle, Lumachette, Cirillini Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups
Macaroni Hollow elbow-shaped pasta
Frese, Tagliatelle nervate Rectangular size double side-curled long-cut pasta (width about mm 10).
Gnocchetti sardi   Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups. From Sardinia .
Strengozze Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Margherita Messinese lunga
  Middle-lenght cut extruded shape, suitable for vegetable or meat sauce pa
  Short-cut pasta, suitable for soups or salads
  Short-cut extruded shape, suitable for vegetable or meat sauce pasta
Perciatelloni, Mezze Zite, Regine, Scaloppi, Napoletani Large diameter (about 5 - 6 mm) and smooth surface long-cut dry hollow pasta
Mezze Penne, Mezze Penne zite, Penne di ziti, Ziti tagliati Slanting short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles, soups or salads
  This unusual variety of Italian pasta consists of poorly wrapped straws of dough, about 20-30 cm long.
  Short cut pasta suitable for soups or salads
Occhi di Passero
Occhi di Pernice, Occhio d'acquila, Occhi di Trota Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
  Curled short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles or salads
  Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups. Shaped like ears.
Puntine, Punte d'ago, Armelline, Semi d'orzo, Semi d'avena, Semi di riso, Occhi di giudeo, Armellette, Puntalette, Semi di cicoria, Cicorietta, Risetto, Chicchi di riso, Semini, Avena, Avena grande, Cicorie Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
  Short cut pasta suitable for soups or salads
Papparelle Long-cut pasta with rectangular section (about 0.8 x 20 mm), fresh or dry
Gnocchetti, Gnocchettini, Tubettini, Ditaletti, Coralli, Ditalini, Avemarie, Caporelli Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Pennine (Penne)
Mezze pennette lisce, Mezze penne, Mezzani, Pennettine, Pennuzze, Penne Regina Slanting short-cut hollow shape, suitable for vegetable sauce pasta
Penne di Zitoni, Zitoni tagliati, Penna a candela Large size short-cut hollow pasta
Maccheroncelli, Maccheronicini, Mezzanelli, Long Macaroni Medium diameter (about 4 mm) and smooth surface long-cut pierced dry pasta.
  These long buckwheat noodles are popular in northern Italy
  Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups.
Quadrucci, Quadratini, Quadretti, Lucciole Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Quadrucci rigati
Quadratini rigati, Quadretti rigati Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Marziani Short-cut extruded shape, suitable for vegetable or meat sauce pasta
  Different size and shape fresh pasta, stuffed with vegetables, ricotta, cheese, meat and even fish based filling.
Riccioline, Sfresatine, Manfredine, Fettuccia riccia Double size curled large tagliatella (width about 15 mm).
  Long hollow tube shaped pasta
Salamini, Caramelle Short cut pasta suitable for casseroles or salads
Rotelle, Rotelline, Rotine, Rotini Wheel-shaped, short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles or salads
  This flat Italian pasta is about 5 cm long, and has a ridged border.
Cannolicchi piccoli, Fagioloni, Svuotini, Gnocchetti di Ziti, Canoncetti, Svoltini Hollow short-cut pasta, suitable for soups or casseroles
Semi di Melone
Semi di mela, Midolline, Semoni, Risone Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
Vermicelli, Fide, Ristoranti, Vermicelloni, Filatelli, Vermicelloni giganti, Spaghettoni Medium diameter (1.8 - 2.4 mm) long-cut dry pasta (broken for Vermicelli).
  Tree-shaped short-cut pasta, suitable for casseroles or salads
Stellettine, Stelle, Astri, Fiori di Sambuco Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
  The name means "priest strangler" in Italian, and it refers to a pasta shape that resembles a rolled towel.
Tagliarelli, Reginelle, Fresine, Nastri, Fettuccelle, Fettucce romane, Fiadi Long-cut pasta with rectangular section (about 0.8 x 10 mm), fresh or dry.
Tagliati di Ziti
Cannelli Ziti, Gnocchetti Ziti, Spolette Short-cut shape, suitable for vegetable sauce pasta
Fidelini a nido, Tagliatelline, Trinette a matasse Long-cut pasta with rectangular section (about 0.8 x 3 mm), fresh or dry.
Seme Santo, Tempestina, Grattata, Peperino, Pepe, Fregolina, Peperini di Genova, Vaporino, Piselli, Pisellini, Grandinina soda, Grattini, Primaverine, Scintille Short-cut pasta, suitable for vegetable or thin soups
  These pasta shapes resemble torches, the better to scoop up chunky sauces.
Tordelli Medium or large size, rectangular or square stuffed fresh pasta, filled with vegetables, ricotta, cheese or meat based filling
  Very small size fresh or even dry pasta, stuffed with meat based special filling, by tradition only suitable for meat broth or casserole
  Hollow tubes, flattened on one side.
  Same as Trenne, but smaller.
Signorine One side curled long-cut pasta (width about 10 mm).
  Small, twisted pasta.
  Short cut pasta suitable for salads or soups
Maniche, Gigantoni, Occhi di elefante, Elefante, Canneroni grandi, Occhi di bove Very large diameter short-cut and smooth surface hollow pasta, suitable for vegetable or meat sauce pasta and for casseroles
Boccolotti, Zitoni, Zituane, Candele Very large diameter long-cut and smooth surface hollow pasta.

Synonyms :

Abissini Fagioloni Messicani Saliere
Angel's hair Farfalle tonde Mezzanelli Scaloppi
Armellette Farfalloni Mezzani Schiaffoni
Armelline Fedelini Mezze Scintille
Astri Fettucce Mezze penne Sciviotti ziti
Avemarie Fettucce ricce Mezze pennette lisce Sedanetti rigati
Avena Fettucce romane Mezzi cocci Sedanini rigati
Avena grande Fettuccelle Midolline Seme Santo
Barbine a nido Fettuccia riccia Napoletani Semi d'avena
Bardele Fiadi Nastri Semi di cicoria
Bassetti Fide Nastrini Semi di mela
Bavette fini Fide bucate Occhi di bove Semi di riso
Bavettine Fidelini Occhi di elefante Semi d'orzo
Bigui Fidelini a nido Occhi di giudeo Semini
Boccolotti Fidelini bucati Occhi di Pernice Semoni
Brofandei Filatelli Occhi di Trota Sfresatine
Cabellos de Angel Fiocchetti Occhio d'acquila Sigarette
Campanelle Fiocconi
Candele Fiori di Sambuco Penna a candela Sopracappellini
Cannelli Ziti Fischioni Penne di Zitoni Spaccatelle
Cannelloni Zitoni Fischiotti Penne Regina Spaghettoni
Canneroni Foratini Pennettine Spirali
Canneroni Fregolina Pennuzze Spole
Canneroni grandi Frese Pepe Spolette
Cannolicchi piccoli Fresine Peperini di Genova Stelle
Canoncetti Galla genovese Peperino Stellettine
Capellini fini Perciatellini Stivalettini
Capelvenere Gigantoni Perciatelloni Stortini
Caporelli Gnocchetti Pincinelli Stortini rigat
Cappellini Gnocchetti di Ziti Piombi
Cappettine Gnocchetti sardi   Piselli Stricchetti tondi
Caramelle Gnocchetti Ziti Pisellini Svoltini
Cesariccia Gnocchettini Primaverine Svuotini
Chicchi di riso Gnocchettoni Zitoni Puntalette Tagliarelli
Cicorie Grandinina soda Punte d'ago Tagliatelle nervate
Cicorietta Grattata Puntine Tagliatelline
Cinesi rigati Grattini Quadratini Tagliati di Zitoni
Cinesini Quadratini rigati Tagliolini a nido
Cirillini Lasagnette Quadretti Tempestina
Coccioline Lasagnoni Quadretti rigati Tofettine
Coralli Linguettine Quadrucci
Cornetti Long Macaroni Radichini Tortiglioni
Cornetti rigati Lucciole Regine Trinette a matasse
Corni di bue Lumachelle Reginelle Tubetti lunghi rigati
Crestine Lumachette Reginelle Tubettini
Denti di cavallo Macaroni Reginette Tubettini lunghi
Denti di pecora Maccheroncelli Riccioline Vaporino
Diavoletti rigati Maccheronicini Risetto Vermicelli
Dischi Volanti Maglietta Risone Vermicelloni giganti
Ditaletti Manfredine Ristoranti Zitellini
Ditalini Maniche Rotelle Zitoni
Elefante Margaritine Rotelline Zitoni tagliati
Eliche Margherite lisce Rotine Zituane
Eliche grandi Margherite rigate Rotini
Fagioletti Salamini

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